Masterpiece Pilgrim Memories - Booster Box (Preorder)

Regular price $125.00 Sold out
Sold out
    This is a pre-order product and will ship the week of Jan 24th.

    CCGPrime will add in 10 promos from the past with each order if you order 3 or more booster boxes.

    The set rarity breakdown is as follows: 49 kinds of Normal cards, 44 kinds of Rare cards, 32 kinds of super rare cards, 18 kinds of Marvel Rare cards, a Marvel Rare/J-Ruler card, a Ruler cards, 24 kinds of Ruler/J-Ruler cards, 5 kinds of Sub Ruler cards, 6 kinds of Extension Rule cards, 5 kinds of Uber Rare cards, 3 kinds of Secret Rare cards, and one Secret Uber card.  Each pack contains 8 cards and boxes come with 36 packs.

    - $125.00

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